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There are no wild horses in the Danube Delta

Horses in the Letea Forest
Horses in the Letea Forest
In the interview given to the journalist Marius Tuca, former governor of the Danube Delta, Mr. Virgil Munteanu dispels the myth of wild horses in the Danube Delta and if someone comes to take a horse, the owner immediately comes: "leave the horse because it is my horse".
"There are no wild horses in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve. Those from Letea Forest are the horses of the people from the two localities: C.A Rosetti and Letea, which they let free, by tradition. and the horses entered the forest which has a fence from the 90s. Do you know why the forest was surrounded by a fence? Just so that the horses wouldn't enter the forest because they were doing a lot of damage."

Everyone was hysterical about the wild horses in the Letea forest dying of thirst because of the drought. The problem can be solved very simply by removing the horses from the forest, so that they can have access to water. According to Mr. Virgil Munteanu, those horses have no business in the Letea forest because they cause great damage and the Letea Forest was declared the first natural reserve of Romania in 1938, and it was not declared because there were horses in the forest in 1938 but because there is a very special ecosystem there.
You can see the full interview on our YouTube channel.
Access to the Letea Forest is allowed only on approved routes and all types of vehicles are excluded.
  • Hits: 1776

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