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Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio): A Treasure of the Danube Delta

The Danube Delta, one of the largest and most diverse ecosystems in Europe, is home to a multitude of fish species, among which the common carp (Cyprinus carpio) occupies a particularly important place. This species, known for its adaptability and economic value, is one of the symbols of this unique wetland.

Description and characteristics

The common carp is a freshwater fish, recognized by its massive and scaly body, covered with large, shiny scales. It can reach impressive sizes, with some specimens exceeding 1 meter in length and 20 kg in weight. Its color varies from greenish-gray to brownish, depending on the habitat. A distinctive feature is its prominent mouth, equipped with four short whiskers, which help it locate food on the water bottom.

Crapul comun
Crapul comun - Cyprinus carpio

Habitat and distribution

In the Danube Delta, the common carp inhabits a variety of habitats, including lakes, river arms, flooded areas and canals. It prefers slow or stagnant waters, with sandy or muddy bottoms, rich in aquatic vegetation. This species is highly adaptable, withstanding wide variations in temperature and water quality, which explains its wide presence in the Delta.

Food and behavior

The common carp is an omnivorous fish, feeding on both plant matter and aquatic invertebrates, insect larvae and organic debris. It uses its whiskers to detect food on the water bottom, where it often digs and disturbs the sediments. It is known for its gregarious behavior, forming groups especially during the breeding periods.


The breeding period of the common carp takes place in spring and early summer, when the water temperature reaches 18-20°C. The female lays between 100,000 and 1,000,000 eggs on vegetation-covered surfaces, and the males fertilize them. The fry hatch after a few days, and survival depends on environmental conditions and food availability.

Economic and ecological importance

The common carp has significant economic value, being one of the main commercial species in the Danube Delta. It is fished for both local consumption and export, contributing to the economy of the communities in the area. In addition, it plays an important ecological role, maintaining the balance of aquatic ecosystems by regulating invertebrate populations and recycling nutrients.

Threats and conservation

Although the common carp is a resilient species, its populations are affected by water pollution, habitat destruction and overfishing. To ensure the sustainability of this resource, responsible management measures are necessary, such as regulating fishing, protecting spawning areas and monitoring water quality.

Carp Fishing in the Danube Delta

The Danube Delta, with its idyllic landscapes and rich biodiversity, is an ideal place for sport fishing. The common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the most sought-after species by sport fishermen, due to its impressive size and the "adrenaline rush" it offers when caught. This activity is not only a hobby, but also a way to connect with nature and experience the beauty of the Delta.

Sport-recreational Fishing: A Tradition and a Challenge

Carp fishing is a practice that requires patience, skill and knowledge of the behavior of this fish. Unlike commercial fishing, sport fishing aims to catch the fish for pleasure, followed by releasing it back into the water (catch and release), although some specimens can be kept for consumption, respecting the regulations in force.

Tehnici și Echipamente

  1. Float fishing: Această metodă este populară în zonele cu apă liniștită, cum ar fi lacurile și canalele din Delta. Pescarii folosesc plute pentru a menține momeala la adâncimea dorită. Momeala poate fi variată: porumb, alune, viermi sau momele speciale pentru crap.

  2. Bottom Fishing: This technique is effective in areas with greater depths or weak currents. Weights are used to keep the bait on the bottom, where carp usually look for food. Baits can be dough balls, cereal grains or artificial baits.

  3. Feeder Fishing: A modern method, which combines elements of bottom and float fishing. A special net (feeder) is used to distribute the bait in the water, attracting carp to the fishing area.

  4. Equipment: For carp fishing, it is recommended to use a resistant rod, a long and flexible fishing line, and high-quality lines. Carp is a powerful fish, and the fight (drill) with it can be intense, so the equipment must be adequate. For the Danube and its branches, the presence of water currents and tree roots brings an added challenge for which you must be prepared both mentally and materially.

Fishing spots in the Danube Delta

The Danube Delta offers a multitude of ideal locations for carp fishing:

  • Lacul Roșu(Red Lake) and Lacul Golovița (Golovita Lake): These lakes are known for their dense carp populations.

  • Danube Branches: Areas with calm water and abundant vegetation are preferred by carp.

  • Canals and flooded areas: These places provide shelter and food for carp, making them excellent fishing spots.

Regulations and Etiquette

Sport fishing in the Danube Delta is regulated to protect natural resources and ensure sustainability. It is important to respect the following rules:

  • Fishing Permit: It is mandatory to obtain a fishing permit, issued by the ARBDD.

  • Seasons and Limits: There are periods when fishing is prohibited or limited to allow fish to reproduce. Catch limits are also set. See the local regulations in this regard here.

  • Fish release: The practice of "catch and release" is encouraged, especially for large specimens, to maintain healthy populations.

The Carp Fishing Experience in the Danube Delta

Carp fishing in the Danube Delta is more than just a sporting activity; it is a complete experience that connects you with nature. The quiet mornings, the stunning landscapes and the feeling of catching an impressive carp make this practice an unforgettable adventure. Anglers can also benefit from local guides, who offer valuable advice and help them find the best locations.
Sport/recreational carp fishing is a much broader topic and difficult to exhaust in a single article like this, for example, I have seen posts on YouTube with fishermen from other parts of the world who used an improvised dough made on the spot from wheat flour and biscuits as bait.
There is a multitude of carp baits on the market, including the traditional carp polenta but also boilies of all kinds. The choice will be made by you depending on the season, the place where you fish (local specifics). Regarding local specifics, it is good to also take into account the tips offered by locals or acquaintances who have fished in the area.


Common carp is an essential element of the biodiversity of the Danube Delta, representing both a natural treasure and a vital economic resource for local communities. Protecting this species and its habitat is essential for maintaining the health of the ecosystem and regional traditions.

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